Hi, thank you for checking my web-site.
You probably don't have much time to spend here, so please let me help you navigate.
You can read a little bit about me and find out what I do here. Or I can just tell you that I'm an illustrator and you can see my drawings here, here are some patterns I've designed and the most recent works can be found here on my IG (I'm really bad in keeping my web-site up to date, as, well... you know... I'd rather spend more time drawing rather than updating the web-site). If you want to hire me as an illustrator/pattern designer, please just contact me.
Sometimes I also work as an art director and photographer, you can see examples of my work here, here or here. Or just go to the menu on top of this page to see more projects and portfolio highlights.
All my original watercolours are available for purchasing or licensing. Please just contact me for details (I'm working on shopping part of this web-site, but as I've mentioned above I'd rather spend more time drawing). Shipping from Lithuania worldwide.
If you're tired of reading all the above and just want to see some pretty pictures, please scroll down this page and you'll find some.